Entries by Snapweb Editor

Hellenistic Jews

An excerpt from: Mussar. Section: Hellenistic Jews When Israel fell to the Empire of Babylon, scripture documents a great number of Israelites fleeing to Egypt for asylum (2 Kings 25; Jeremiah 41).  According to the historian Josephus, when Alexander the Great died, one of his generals (Ptolemy) seized Jerusalem and took many Jewish captives to […]

Hillel and Shammai

An excerpt from: Grace and Judaism: Christians are the true Chasidim. Section: The House of Hillel and Chesed Yose ben Yozer, and his vice President (In Hebrew: “Av Beit Din”) would set the precedent for a time known as “Zuggot” or “pairs.” Each pair would lead an assembly of Elders, to settle religious disputes and […]


The Apostle Peter and “Arete” Greek Philosophy Hellenist Jews The four virtues and Jewish tradition Mussar   The Apostle Peter and “Arete” In the epistle of 2 Peter, Peter writes out of concern for the new members of the faith; encouraging them to remain steadfast in the teachings that were granted to them, and to […]

put on hold

An unhinged comment submitted regarding the Talmud and Rabbinic tradition: “The Talmud is a Satanic piece of filth that says Jesus is the son of a harlot, and that he is burning in hell in a pile of excrament. Take your rabbinic tradition back to hell where it came from.” My Response: The Talmud is […]


An excerpt from: Faith and the “Works of the law” Paul’s contention was not with the law itself, but with the incorrect handling of the law: “We know that the law is good if one uses it properly.” – 1 Timothy 1:8 This was addressed to Paul’s disciple and traveling companion who underwent the procedure […]


The Middah of Compassion Jewish Articles: https://www.aish.com/sp/pg/Middot-Series-10–Compassion.html https://reformjudaism.org/learning/sacred-texts/learn-about-middot/share-burden-ones-friend-middah-nosay-bol-im-chavayro


The Middah of Gratitude Jewish Articles: https://reformjudaism.org/learning/sacred-texts/learn-about-middot/contentment-ones-lot-middah-samayach-bchelko https://www.aish.com/sp/pg/3-Gratitude.html Youtube Videos: Gratitude Matters: Developing the art of Appreciation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWxpKILejmw Christian Articles: https://bestirrednotshaken.com/new-testament/unthankful-is-ingratitude-root-of-most-sins/ https://bestirrednotshaken.com/topic-studies/comparison-envy-the-key-to-unhappiness/  


The Middah of Patience Jewish Articles: https://reformjudaism.org/learning/sacred-texts/learn-about-middot/slowness-anger-middah-erech-apayim https://www.aish.com/sp/pg/6-Patience-or-How-to-Overcome-Road-Rage.html http://westendsynagogue.org/sites/default/files/site_pdfs/Middot%20Handouts%20-%20Patience%20(February%202013).pdf Youtube Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEYVtm7IUdQ&list=PLEvpUh6qHhhbS4iaJ6lBZmGc4vidj8voZ&index=5 Christian Articles: https://bestirrednotshaken.com/christian-living/meaning-ps-37-7-wait-on-the-lord/


The Middah of Humility Jewish Articles: https://reformjudaism.org/learning/sacred-texts/learn-about-middot/modesty-middah-anavah Youtube Videos: Cultivating Humility: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXZu1H0s-hk&list=PLEvpUh6qHhhbS4iaJ6lBZmGc4vidj8voZ&index=6 Christian Articles: https://bestirrednotshaken.com/christian-living/humility-bible-anavah-meaning/