Entries by Snapweb Editor


Our God is a God of order. Creation is a beautiful display of his order. This is evident when we observe the universe on any scale, from the subatomic to the Macro level. Since the Torah was authored by God directly, the Torah has within it, measures to secure order. The Torah ensures an orderly […]


When Christians discuss the Torah, it’s almost certainly done under purely theological parameters. Naturally, our inclination is to relate to the Torah as a distant and archaic source of wisdom. To ancient Israel, the Torah was no less real, and no more abstract, than our constitution is to us. The Torah served as the constitution for […]

The “New Law” of the Messiah

The New Torah of the Messiah The Dawning of the Great Light Abolish and Fulfill Not one Yod will pass from the Torah The White fire Summarizing the Torah with Love Jesus and the Sabbath The Easy and Light Yoke Through the Messiah we are able to obey the Torah   The New Torah of […]

Proper motive, cleaving to God and Galatians 5:2-4

Mainline Judaism never advocated Torah observance in order to earn salvation. Simeon the Righteous was the last of the “Great Assembly”  and assumed the position of High Priest after Ezra. The successor of Simeon was Antigones of Soko. The Mishnah indicates that Antigones taught that the Torah should be obeyed without an agenda to earn […]

Faith and the “Works of the law”

In Galatians 2:16, Paul drives a theological wedge between faith and what he calls “the works of the law”. Emphasis was placed on this demarcation, in order to consolidate his position on a matter of great significance: how are we made justified? Paul fervently argued that we are justified through faith and not by the […]

The “Hebrew Roots” needs to learn “Halachah”

The Hebrew Roots movement The right way to Halakah The power to “Bind” and “Loose” The “God-Fearer” “Ger Toshav” and Acts 15 Order restored: The Christian Sanhedrin The Hebrew Roots movement In contrast to “Messianic Judaism” the relatively recent “Hebrew Roots Movement” is an emerging group primarily consisting of Gentile Christians worldwide covering a range […]


It seems to be the case that for most gentiles and even secular Jews, the only recognized feature of Judaism is the Temple service and animal sacrifice. To modern sensibilities, the notion that God would not only accept, but require an act of animal cruelty as a method of worship is terribly unsettling. As a […]

The Ceremonial and Moral aspects of the Torah

“Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.” – Genesis 26:5 Have you ever wondered why God felt it necessary to include so many synonyms for law, to express the simple sentiment that Abraham was obedient to his requirements? Why the redundant use of “commandments” “statutes” […]