Hellenistic Judaism:
Jewish tradition within the New Testament:
- The seven rules of Hillel
- Jewish Eschatology in the New Testament
- Jesus is the “Ladder of Jacob” uniting Heaven with Earth
- The prophet Jonah, the Day of Atonement, and the Messiah
- “Tefillin” and Heavenly Jerusalem
- When Jesus warped space
- Jewish prayer and the New Testament
- Handwashing and the concept of “Common”
The Apostle Paul:
- Baptism into Christ is baptism “into his death” (Romans 6:3)
- The Temple and “Heavenly Jerusalem”
- The “Guf HaNeshamot” and the Body of Christ
- Grace and Judaism: Christians are the true “Chasidim”
- Proper motive, cleaving to God and Galatians 5:2-4
- Faith and the “Works of the Law”
- Romans 6-8: The “Law of the Spirit” and Spiritual Maturity (Part 1)
- Romans 6-8: The “Law of the Spirit” and Spiritual Maturity (Part 2)
The New Covenant:
- The “New Law” of the Messiah
- The New Covenant in context: what do the prophets say?
- The New Covenant, the land inheritance, and the inheritance of “Heavenly Jerusalem”
- The lost sheep of Israel – finished and condensed version. PDF file.
- The two signs of Moses, and the two signs of Christ
- The two Israels
- The Book of Psalms: a manual on entering prophecy
- The “Hebrew Roots Movement” needs to learn “Halakah”
155 Commandments for the gentile
“With this understanding we can better understand apostolic passages such as, ‘For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments’ (1 John 5:3) and…(1 Corinthians 7:19). These passages were written to communities that contained to both Jews and Gentiles. Each person hearing these words would have understood “commandments” as referring to the specific parts of Torah that applied to them as a Jew or Gentile and man or woman.” – God Fearers, Toby Janicki, page 37
Blog Posts
The 20 latest Blog Posts
- The two Israels
- The two signs of Moses, and the two signs of Christ
- The Book of Psalms: a manual on entering prophecy
- Navi and Ro’eh
- 155 Commandments for the gentile Christian
- Jewish prayer and the New Testament
- Philo of Alexandria and the Trinity
- Using Jewish Tradition to unlock the Book of Revelation
- Baptism into Christ is Baptism “into his death” (Romans 6:3)
- When Jesus warped space
- “Tefillin” and Heavenly Jerusalem
- The prophet Jonah, the Day of Atonement, and the Messiah
- Jesus is the “Ladder of Jacob” uniting Heaven with Earth
- The Temple and “Heavenly Jerusalem”
- Jewish Eschatology in the New Testament
- The “Guf HaNeshamot” and the Body of Christ
- The seven rules of Hillel
- The “Chasidim”
- The “God-Fearer”
- The “Amidah” Prayer
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